Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The blizzard of 2011

Welcome to the great blizzard of 2011
The snow at the basement door drifted so tall it was about to my knee. Almost two feet.

I don't think I could get the car out of the garage if I wanted to!
The drifts in the back yard are up to the porch.

The Explorer looks pretty stuck.

And I told Kenny I didn't think he was going to get his truck moved. He said 'It will be okay, it's a Dodge!'

Drifts up to the bottom of the front door.

The drifts at the basement door are half way up to the door handle.

Drifts up the shrubs, half way up the house!

And about that Dodge...STUCK. Looks like he got a little close to the Explorer.

I guess I will be staying inside again today! In the almost 10 years I have worked for MBS, they have closed down one day due to snow, until now. We were closed Tuesday and Wednesday due to the weather. I am kind of ready to go back to work!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stacie's first hot air balloon ride, Jan 29, 2011

Kenny took our good friend Stacie for her first hot air balloon ride this past Saturday. We had a beautiful, sunny day and thought the conditions would be perfect. She has been the best crew since the day we met her, with her only missing a few flights. She's always the first one ready to go...and..I think she may be a better crew than me!

Here are Stacie and Kenny, ready to the way, what's up with that tongue, Mr Pilot!

There they are, soaring above Columbia!
Beautiful scenery from the sky!

This is a park, but we are still trying to figure out which park it is!

Beautiful snow covered bridge.

We are hoping to fly again soon. Wanted to this weekend, but not sure with the Blizzard we are currently getting.
We, along with a couple other balloon pilots, have started a balloon club. Here's the link if you want to check it out:
Soft Landings!
Kenny and Marianne